What You Need For This Bible Study

Hello readers, how are you all doing? Good I hope. If you haven't read the first post please read the first post called Introduction to Shamonj Gifts Bible Study Blog. If you've read the first post now you are ready to get started.

Before I began to actually study the whole Bible, I want to first read it and write down things that the Holy Spirit gives to me concerning the scriptures. After doing that then I will go back through the Bible a second time and study everything out with the Bible Dictionary, Concordances, and much more.....

 What do I need for this Bible Study?

1. A Computer or Mobile Device- You have to be able to access this blog. You can access it on your PC or Mac Computer and you can access it on your phone.

2. Internet Access

3. Bible- You can use whatever Bible you want to use. However, I start off studying from the King James Version. I might look at other translations periodically just to compare the texts. You can get your own King James Version of the Bible on the Kindle http://amzn.to/xdNjg9

4. Logos Bible Software- I recommend this Bible software simply because it helps a lot with studying. This software is located on the website http://www.logos.com/

5. Bible Dictionary/Concordance- I am going to be looking up relevant words in the Bible Dictionary, Concordance, etc....I recommend Strong's Concordance but you can use whatever Concordance you want to use.

6. 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary- I know this dictionary can be slightly expensive but the Kindle version is much cheaper. If you don't want to pay for one you can look up words online http://1828.mshaffer.com/.

7. A Notebook or Text Editors to write down your notes (Microsoft Word, Open Office, Notepad, Text Edit etc....)

8. Facebook. Facebook is not necessarily a necessity for this particular Bible Study. However, I have a Facebook group where we can talk to each other via the Internet. If you're interested in Interacting with me about a post please feel free to join the group Shamonj Gifts Ministries https://www.facebook.com/groups/ShamonjGiftsMinistries/

 Later when we conduct studies on different topics I will recommend particular Christian books on various topics that are a good read.

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