Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Genesis 1 Notes

The first thing that God created was the heaven and the earth and it was very dark and wet. The reason why I personally believe that it was wet is simply because the Bible says in verse 2 that the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. God in his Wisdom spoke out of his mouth to (God the Father, God the Son, & God the Holy Spirit) and said, "Let there be, the light, the waters be divided which separate the Heaven (the sky) the dry land, the seas, the grass, (day and night lights), the sea (fish, whales) creatures, the animals (beasts), the plants, and the flying creatures (birds). God even created mankind (male and female) in his image and likeness. The first words to mankind were blessings that sprung forth of out the mouth of God. God told them to be fruitful (have children), multiply (be productive), replenish the earth, subdue it, have dominion (rule and authority over the birds, the fishes in the sea and even the animals on the dry land (Verse 28). Then God gave them specific dieting instructions that he has given them vegetables (green herbs) to eat as food.

One thing I notice about God is when he first created the animals and mankind, he made provision already for them and they didn't even have to ask for it. After God finished creating his work, he was pleased with it. I can definitely relate to God on this. As a Graphic Designer, when I create some designs for myself after I look at them I say this looks really good. When I first wrote and published The Only One I Love, I looked at it and was pleased with it and thought it was great because the Lord is the one who inspired me to write it. God is the designer and creator of his work and he looked at it and described it as very good according to verse 31. God was proud of his work. The same way God was proud of his work back then God is proud of us today. He see's us as good through Christ Jesus! Hallelujah! I know this is only Genesis 1 and I am getting a bit ahead of myself but I just can't help but talk about the Lord Jesus Christ. God see's us as good because He see's the Christ within us. Hallelujah! So anyway, back on track God created the whole world in 6 days with his words. When God spoke, things manifested into existence. God has given us that same type of power that is why we have to watch what we say so that we won't manifest the wrong type of things into our lives. What will you create today with your words?

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