Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Genesis Chapter 2 Notes

By the time, 6 days is over God finishes his very good work. The seventh day he rested. I personally do not believe that He rested because He was tired. I personally believe that God rested because He had completed his work. When you are on the job, usually you take breaks in between the job. However, I personally do not believe that God took a break while He was creating the whole work. He decided to take His break when he finished creating everything. The 7th day, God blessed it and sanctified (set it apart for his use) because he completed his work.

 It is my understanding that after the 7th day was over, God decided that he wanted someone to till the ground and take control over the earth. So that's when He decided to create Adam and he breathed the breath of life into his nostrils and Adam became an living soul. I often wondered why didn't God give Adam mouth to mouth? Why did God breathe into God's nostrils? When God breathed breath into man's nose it put spiritual oxygen into man's body which caused man to become a living soul (spirit). I also notice that when I had asthma, I used to try to breathe out of my mouth and had lot's of trouble breathing because I was breathing wrong. Technically we are supposed to breathe or inhale in through our nose and exhale out of our mouth. I personally believe that concept came from the Word of God because God breathed the breath of life in our nose and not our mouths. I noticed when I was attending martial arts that the instructor always wanted us to breathe in through our nose and breathe out through out mouth through every blow to give us power and energy through our body to fight. I also notice that when I was in the choir that choir directors would yell at us about our breathing. I didn't learn how to breathe correctly until I started taking martial arts. For a long time I thought that I was supposed to breathe in through my mouth and out my mouth. But thank God for correcting me. 

The Lord created a garden in Eden, planted several different trees and plants. The trees that God planted was beautiful (looked good) and was good for food. There were two trees in the center of the garden which were the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life. God also created bodies of water which were called Pison, Gihon, Hiddekel, and Euphrates.

God gave Adam two jobs which is to keep and to dress the garden. I personally believe that God wanted Adam to keep and dress the garden is because he knew that satan would be trespassing in the garden. When lucifer was kicked out of Heaven, he ended up on earth.

God told Adam you can eat off of any of these trees but do not eat from the knowledge of good and evil tree or you will die. In that scripture God didn't specify that it was a natural or spiritual death. It could have been both. Then the Lord said it's not good for man to be alone; I will make him a helpmeet according to verse 18. Of course none of the other animals were compatible with Adam but God allowed Adam to give the animals names which is one of the ways he exercised his authority. Later that evening, God performed the first surgery ever. He put Adam to sleep, and then took one of his ribs and closed up his side. It's amazing how God uses the hand of doctors to conduct surgery on people now-a-days. Those medical doctors better realize that the first surgeon was God and not them. God was the first one to cut open someone, take parts of the body out and close up the wound. I'm sure God was so gentle and strategic that Adam probably didn't even feel a thing. At least that is what goes on in my imagination. Next, Adam woke up and saw the beautiful woman standing there and he yelled WO-MAN! Naw, I'm kidding, lol. He recognize that God created her specifically for him. He said this is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh and he called her woman because she was taken out of man (verse 23). I also believe that the reason God wanted us to be called Woman is because we are simply a a human form with a womb. Whereas the man, does not have a womb and can't bring forth children.  Because God created the woman for Adam, they were already husband and wife and didn't necessarily have a wedding ceremony. Adam also said that man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh (verse 24). While I am reading this scripture something puzzles me. If Adam and Eve were the only two individuals on earth then why would he say that the man shall leave his father and mother? Clearly Adam and Eve did not have a mother and father. So my only thoughts is, that in Genesis Ch 1 the male and females that were created then might not have been Adam and Eve. It could have been other human beings. Then again, Adam could have been prospecting that a woman and man will have a baby, the baby will grow up, get married and become one with his wife or her husband.

 Another thing I wanted to say on marriage. God made woman for man which means that they are supposed to be together. Hint! Not woman and woman or man and man! Not Adam and Steve, or Eve and Angela! When the man and woman gets married, the wife and husband should be put top priority over all other people including the parents. When the parent's grown children gets married, the grown children are supposed to leave their parents household and become joined together forever and never separated from their spouse.

Last but not least, Adam and Eve (husband and wife) were both naked and they were not ashamed (Verse 25). Let's get something straight here! This scripture does not give people the right to walk around in public butt naked. I think what is being conveyed in this scripture is that Adam and Eve were both naked in front of  each other. Husbands and wives should be comfortable, open and exposed to each other and they should not have any fear or be afraid.

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